值得观看的理由:这部续集喜剧作品延续了前作的幽默风格,同时引入了新的年轻僧侣角色,让观众能够看到不同的故事发展。故事围绕着新上任的僧侣乔伊兄弟展开,他需要改善一个破旧的寺庙,并解决寺庙面临的问题:被覆盖的岩石爆炸导致寺庙充满过敏性尘埃,... Upon Brother Joey's arrival at the temple, he is tasked with revitalizing the rundown temple. He must also confront a unique problem: the temple is engulfed in allergenic dust due to rock explosions nearby. Brother Joey must find a way to address this issue while navigating the challenges that come with his new position.
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