This captivating story unfolds with a surprising twist that sets it apart from traditional narratives. Delighting viewers with a combination of fantasy, charm, and the unique brand of humor that defines New Zealand filmmaking, this film invites us into the intriguing world of Millie.
As Millie bids her farewells and embarks on what was expected to be an exciting adventure in New York, an unexpected turn of events finds her remaining in the quaint city of Wellington. Determined to maintain the illusion of living a thrilling life abroad, she resorts to fabricating a series of fictitious images and sharing them with her friends on the World Wide Web.
What follows is a delightful journey as Millie navigates her way through uncharted territory, operating under the guise of an alternate reality. With each post, she discovers a hidden side of herself and unintentionally uncovers truths that force her to confront her own desires and insecurities.
This heartwarming tale offers a unique exploration of identity, the power of imagination, and the consequences of living a fabricated life. The film's clever storyline and humorous moments keep audiences captivated, while its underlying message encourages self-discovery and authenticity.
Don't miss this enchanting cinematic experience that reminds us of the importance of embracing who we truly are. Join Millie on her unexpected journey through Wellington, as she unravels the secrets of her own hidden world.