Prepare to be captivated by a compelling and thrilling tale set against the stunning backdrop of southern France. In this mesmerizing story, a surprise reunion brings together two women who were once deeply involved in a passionate polyamorous relationship. As old flames are reignited, long-buried feelings resurface, giving rise to a complex web of emotions.
The magnetic chemistry between the characters will keep you on the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating the next twist and turn. Secrets will be unveiled, igniting intense jealousy and unleashing a storm of emotions that threatens to tear relationships apart. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of love, lust, and betrayal that will leave you breathless.
With breathtaking visuals of the picturesque French countryside, this film is a visual feast for the eyes. Every scene is carefully crafted to transport you into the characters' world, immersing you in their tumultuous journey of self-discovery and relationships.
Do not miss the chance to witness the power and complexity of human emotions as these characters navigate the treacherous terrains of love and desire. This is a story that will resonate deeply, reminding us that the heart is not bound by societal constructs, but instead follows its own enigmatic path.
Indulge in a cinematic experience that explores the depths of desire and the intoxicating allure of past connections. Get ready to immerse yourself in an unforgettable tale of love, jealousy, and passion, as these women confront their tumultuous past and face the consequences of their long-lost love.