This captivating drama follows the gripping journey of Colm, a middle-aged man dealing with a multitude of complex challenges. In his mid-forties and happily married with two teenage children, Colm finds himself grappling with the lingering pain from the loss of his father, a man who had a destructive impact on his life. As he tries to come to terms with this unresolved grief, Colm also finds his relationship with his own son strained and in need of repair.
However, life throws another curveball at Colm when a recent takeover at work jeopardizes his job security. The mounting pressure begins to take its toll on him, leaving him feeling vulnerable and on the brink of an emotional collapse. Sadly, Colm feels unable to confide in his wife, further isolating him in his despair.
In his desperate search for solace, Colm finds himself reaching out to a young man for physical intimacy. This unexpected turn leads him down a path of self-discovery, where he must confront his own desires, secrets, and the consequences of his actions. As we delve into Colm's world, we bear witness to the unraveling of his carefully constructed life, as he grapples with the consequences of his actions and attempts to rebuild what has been broken.
This thought-provoking and emotionally charged narrative invites viewers to examine the complexities of human relationships, the fragility of masculinity, and the consequences of suppressing one's true feelings. Through its raw and honest portrayal, the film offers a poignant exploration of grief, identity, and the universal longing for connection and understanding.
Don't miss this compelling tale of one man's journey towards self-acceptance and redemption, as he navigates the tumultuous waves of love, loss, and self-discovery.